Brookside infant 16

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

“It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.”

Source - DfE website

Pupil Premium at Drapers’ Brookside Infant School

Summary and Strategy 2021-2024At Drapers’ Brookside Infant School we use Pupil Premium Funding in various ways to meet the diverse needs of our pupils.

We recognise that many of our children join our school with low levels of speech and language, personal and social and self-help skills. We aim to provide high quality support and interventions to teach and develop the key skills and attributes that are necessary for them to access the National Curriculum and prepare them for life long learning.