Brookside infant 15

School Menu

The school operates a cafeteria-style system, offering a healthy options menu. All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are eligible for a free school meal at lunchtime and children can select from three different main course dishes at the beginning of the day.

School MenuChildren can also choose to bring a packed lunch to school. Please ensure all lunch boxes and containers are clearly labelled, and we ask that children do not bring glass bottles or jars.  

At break and lunch times, children eat under supervision and are encouraged to develop appropriate table manners. During lunchtime, a team of midday assistants supervise children and there is always a senior member of staff on duty.


Fruit may be purchased for morning snack at 20p a piece. Additionally, infant children are eligible for a piece of fruit or vegetable for their afternoon snack – this will be provided by the school. Water is freely available and children should bring a water bottle to school each day, clearly labelled with their name.


Free School Milk is provided for children under 5, or at a cost of £14 a term for children after their 5th birthday. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium can also have free milk each day. To register for our milk scheme, go to or paper forms are available in the school office. Office staff are happy to help with the form if required.


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Primary AW24 Core Menu 04th Dec 2024 Download